A young black woman working on a laptop

We are TechPACT

TechPACT is proud to have 650+ technology leaders in our community, and we are growing every day.  Our leaders represent a variety of technology professions across 450+ companies of all industries and sizes.  Through TechPACT, you'll be part of an ever-expanding network of changemakers who believe for technology to reach its full potential, its creators must be representative of the humanity it is intended to serve.




for Technology Leaders We help you build a diverse and inclusive team

Diversity is a complex topic. We save you time by sharing actionable strategies that highlight the best of what we read. When you're hiring, we can connect you to qualified diverse technologists. Finally, give back to future technology leaders by becoming a mentor through our mentoring program.


for Diverse Technologists We power your career

Do you want to accelerate your career? We give you access to people, resources, and tools that can help you along each step in your career journey.  Are you seeking career guidance or looking for an outside perspective?  Be connected to one of our distinguished mentors.  Do you want to explore new opportunities?  We can connect you to tremendous job opportunities.

What We Do

We grow and protect the pipeline of diverse technologists by encouraging people of all backgrounds to pursue careers in technology, while simultaneously fostering an environment that encourages them to stay.